
Vmd systems
Vmd systems

vmd systems

Under the prior experience factor, offerors were to submit information detailing up to four projects addressing their experience managing a hybrid database operations environment ( i.e., where data is stored both on premises and in the cloud), operating within a multi‑vendor, multi‑organizational environment, and migrating a legacy system to the cloud. Offerors electing to continue were to submit proposals for the remaining factors, followed by oral presentations. Those offerors then could elect whether to continue participating in the procurement. The agency would evaluate those submissions and advise offerors whose proposals were not among the most highly rated that they were unlikely to be viable competitors. Initially, offerors were to submit proposals only with respect to the prior experience factor.

vmd systems

The TORFP further provided that the non‑price factors were more important than price. The TORFP set forth the three non‑price factors in descending order of importance: prior experience technical approach and oral presentation. The TORFP contemplated the award of a single, fixed‑price task order with a 4‑month base period and four 1‑year option periods using a best‑value tradeoff methodology considering three non-price factors and price. The TORFP sought proposals for IT services supporting the entirety of the operational environments, delivery platforms, pipelines, second tier support, and modernization, enhancements, and maintenance of cloud and application automation pipelines for the NRCS, whose IT operations support is administered by the Farm Production and Conservation (FPAC) Business Center. Contracting Officer’s Statement (COS) at 2. The agency issued the TORFP on June 27, 2022, pursuant to the procedures in Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) subpart 16.5, to firms holding CIO-SP3‑SB-8(a) multiple‑award indefinite‑delivery, indefinite‑quantity (IDIQ) contracts for information technology (IT) services, utilizing the National Institutes of Health Information Technology Acquisition and Assessment Center’s (NITAAC) Electronic Government Ordering System (e-GOS). The protester challenges the agency’s evaluation, best‑value tradeoff, and resulting award decision. 12314422R0016, which was issued by the Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), for information technology support services. VMD Systems Integrators, Inc., doing business as VMD Corp, a small business of Fairfax, Virginia, protests the award of a task order to At‑Impact, LLC, a small business of Falls Church, Virginia, under task order request for proposals (TORFP) No.

Vmd systems