Southwesterly corner of Maryland Avenue and Champlain Avenue. Resubdivision Plan to modify record plan notes to provide for construction phasing and commencement with a certification of completion for each operational unit. South side of Churchmans Road at terminus of Addison Drive. Parking plan to establish parking spaces for change in use. North side of East Newport Pike, south side of Becker Avenue, and north side of East Highland Avenue. Site Plan to construct a solar array with associated equipment. South side of Ogletown Stanton Road, west side of Samoset Drive. Delaware National Guard 198 th Readiness Center Storage Building. Show construction of 3,600 square foot storage building. 2022-0625-S)Įast side of Newport Gap Pike, 1,600 feet south of Old Capitol Trail.

Christiana Mall Development – Target Drive-up Expansion. Resubdivision Plan to restripe parking stalls to provide additional drive-up spaces for Target. West side of Christiana Mall Road, 1,500 feet north of Center Boulevard. Minor Land Development Plan to construct four one-story warehouses with a combined GFA of 30,700 square feet with associated improvements. 2022-0485-S)Įast side of Lewis Drive, 338 feet south of Middleboro Road. Delaware Technical and Community College – Culinary addition and Child Development Center. Minor Land Development Plan to construct a 8,250 square foot culinary building addition and a 10,345 square foot child development center. North side of Churchmans Road, East of Stanton-Christiana Road. Parking Plan to reconfigure existing parking and add a drive-up ATM kiosk. Southwesterly corner of Kirkwood Highway and St. Resubdivision Plan to develop 84,703 gross square feet, 133-room hotel with associated improvements. North side of Stanton-Ogletown Road at Churchmans Road intersection. Minor Land Development Plan to construct a 4,660 square foot car wash with associated improvements. South side of Capitol Trail, 315 feet north of Meadowood Drive. Minor Subdivision Plan to subdivide parcel into two individual lots. North side of Norway Avenue, 140 feet east of N. Minor Land Development Plan to demolish existing 2,800 square foot building and construct a one-story 4,200 square foot carwash. Maryland Avenue, 306 feet north of Reamer Avenue. 558 acre of lease land to the retail store and add 50 parking spaces to existing retail store. Resubdivision Plan to establish an additional. North side of Center Boulevard, west of Christiana Mall. Delcastle Technical High School – Temporary Classrooms. Site Plan to place a 7,120 square foot prefabricated temporary classroom space with an ADA accessible enclosed transit corridor and associated improvements. 2022-0039-S)Įast side of Newport Road, West Side of Newport Gap Pike. Stanton Christiana Industrial Development. Major Land Development Plan to construct a 442,800 square foot warehouse with associated loading, parking, and stormwater management facilities. North side of Eagle Run Road, West side of Stanton Christiana Road, east side of I-95. Minor Subdivision Plan to subdivide parcel into four single family dwelling lots. South side of Ball Road, 167 feet east of Eastburn Avenue. Minor Land Development Plan to construct two building totaling 10,000 square feet in gross floor area with associated improvements.705 Stanton-Christiana Road. West side of Stanton Christiana Road, 183 feet north of Amtrak Rail. Minor Land Development Plan to construct 5,000 square foot building and associated improvements. North side of Old Capitol Trail, 582 feet east of Farrand Drive.

Minor Land Redevelopment Plan to demolish existing building and construct two fast-food restaurants with drive-thru’s and associated improvements. 2020-0427-S) *This application is now located in Council District 1 due to changes to district lines enacted in 2021. Minor Land Development Plan to demolish existing 1,786 square foot building and redevelop with a 7,000 square foot building and associated improvements and create a 20-foot wide permanent buffer on tax parcel 08-051.10-035. * Northwesterly corner of West Newport Pike and Stanton Road. self-storage building and associated improvements. Minor Land Development Plan to construct a 15,078 s.f. 2020-0158-S)Įast side of Newport Gap Pike, directly opposite Meadowbrook Avenue.

Site Plan to obtain a Special Use Permit. South side of Meco Drive, 840 feet north of Middleboro Road. Site Lighting Plan to provide site lighting for sports field. South side of Middleboro Road, directly west of South DuPont Road.